51 research outputs found

    Institutional credit and agricultural production nexus

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    Credit plays an important role in the development of agriculture sector. It capitalizes farmers to adopt new technologies. It helps smooth consumption by providing Working capital and reduces poverty in the process. Both formal and informal lenders are active in rural credit market of Pakistan. There is a need to highlight the relationship between institutional agricultural credit and agricultural production. Time series data for the period of 1973-2009 was used. The study utilized Johansen and Juselius (JJ) cointegration approach and Granger causality test to explore the long-run equilibrium relationship and the possible direction of causality between availability of institutional agricultural credit, labor force availability, cropping intensity, water availability and agricultural production. Result shows the long run relationship among variables. Granger causality test shows the uni-directional causality among institutional agricultural credit and agricultural production and among water availability and agricultural production. The bi-directional causality was found among availability of labor force & cropping intensity and among water availability & cropping intensity.Institutional credit, Agricultural credit, Pakistan

    Role of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production: A Time Series Analysis of Pakistan

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    In our predominant and cash-strapped agrarian sector, adequate credit provision is a definite buttress to implant technological advancements, achieve technical efficiency and hire efficient inputs to uplift agriculture output/income collectively and eradicate poverty eventually. In the midst of beleaguered informal credit sector and recent spurt in banking services in last decade diverted the attention to envisage the formal sector’s optimum potential. In this backdrop, this study is going to explore the role of institutional credit in agricultural production using the time series data for the period of 1972 to 2008. Cobb-Douglas production function is estimated using OLS and all the variables are transformed to per cultivated hectare. Results show that agricultural credit, availability of water, cropping intensity and agricultural labor force are positively significantly related to agricultural production.Agricultural Credit, Time series analysis, Pakistan

    Assessment of Clinicopathological Status and Outcome of Children with Tuberculous Meningitis at a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to report the clinic-pathological profile of children with TBM and their treatment outcome. Methodology: A retrospective observational study was conducted in the Pediatrics Department over 6 months period. Medical records of children admitted with TBM from November 2017 to May 2018 were reviewed for data collection. Data regarding clinical presentation, laboratory investigations were recorded. Patients were treated with a standard ATT regimen, and their outcome was noted. The study was approved by hospital ethics committee. Data was entered in SPSS for statistical analysis. Results: Females were predominant 39 (55.7%) and age ranged from 4 months to 13 years in this study. Only 28 (42.0%) children were fully vaccinated and had BCG scar presence. Most TBM cases were of stage II 24 (42.8%) or stage III 29 (42.8%). The frequent symptoms were fever 61 (87.1%), rigidity/irritability 35 (50.0%), and seizures 26 (37.1%). WBCs count in CSF was found below 500 in 64 (91.4%) children. There were 55 (78.5%) children with lymphocytosis and 14 (20.0%) with polymorph nuclear cells. A CT scan was suggestive of TBM in 51 (72.8%) children. Only 21 (30.0%) cases had a complete recovery whereas 17 (24.2%) recovered with sequelae and 10 (14.2%) deaths were noted. Conclusion: TBM presents with a poor clinical and pathological state in the advanced stage of the disease, and the therapy outcome is also non-satisfactory with high mortality and sequelae posing constant challenges

    Achieving Frequency Reuse 1 in WiMAX Networks with Beamforming

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    In this chapter, we examine the performance of adaptive beamforming in connection with three different subcarrier permutation schemes (PUSC, FUSC and AMC) in WiMAX cellularnetwork with frequency reuse 1. Performance is evaluated in terms of radio quality parameters and system throughput. We show that organization of pilot subcarriers in PUSC Majorgroups has a pronounced effect on system performance while considering adaptive beamforming. Adaptive beamforming per PUSC group offers full resource utilization without need of coordination among base stations. Though FUSC is also a type of distributed subcarrier permutation, its performance in terms of outage probability is somewhat less than that of PUSC. We also show that because of lack of diversity, adjacent subcarrier permutation AMC has theleast performance as far as outage probability is concerned. Results in this chapter are based on Monte Carlo simulations performed in downlink.</p

    Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan: A Case of Punjab

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    The present study is an effort to investigate the patterns of female labor force participation in case of Pakistan. In particular, the study analyzed the determinants of female labor force participation decision. The study utilized Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2007-08 data of Punjab. Education is used as a direct human capital variable while; age is a proxy of human capital. The variables used in the analysis are female labour force participation, age, age square, marital status, area, female monthly income, family monthly income, family size, household head education, different classes of female education and employment status. To remove the selectivity bias, the study used Heckman’s (1979) two step procedure. Results of Logit model depicts that household head education, primary, middle, matric &amp; mudrassa education level negatively related with the decision of female labor force participation while, decision towards participation is strong if female belonged to urban area, if she is married, if she has higher education, and if she has large family size. By using ordinary Least Square Method we estimated the earning function. Coefficient of age shows a substantial increase in the wages with each additional year spent. The sign of age square is negative which is according to our expectation and implying the concavity of earning function. Moreover, as the level of education increase the returns to each year of education also increases. In different occupational status females earns more if they are employee, employer or self employed than labourer (a reference category); while female earns less if they belonged to agricultural sector or other sectors than labourer. Married females earn more than others. The respondents’ belonged to urban areas earn more than rural respondents. Moreover, household head education and family size are positively significantly related with female earnings

    Epizootiološka istraživanja paramfistomoze u goveda

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    Epidemiological studies were undertaken at slaughter houses, live stock farms, veterinary hospitals and on household buffaloes under different management and climatic conditions in four different districts of the Punjab province. Infection rate was 7.83%, 12.33%, 7.17% and 4.25% respectively in the cattle at the slaughter house, live stock farm, veterinary hospital and at household cattle. Overall the highest prevalence in terms of season, 26% and 14.50%, was recorded during autumn at live stock farms and slaughtered cattle followed by 9.75% veterinary hospitals during summer and the lowest (2.5%) in household cattle was recorded during winter. It was observed that a higher infection rate was recorded in younger cattle (below two years of age) than older (above two years of age). Male cattle were more commonly affected than females. Snails belonging to genera Bulinus, Lymnaea and Planorbis were observed which are responsible for the transmission of paramphistomosis.Provedena su epizootiološka istraživanja paramfistomoze u goveda na klaonicama, farmama, veterinarskim klinikama i manjim gospodarstvima pod različitim uvjetima držanja i klime na području Punjaba. Invadiranost je istražena u četiri različite skupine goveda. Na klaonicama je pronađeno 7,83% invadiranih goveda, dok je na farmama taj broj bio nešto veći i iznosio je 12,33%. Među govedima na klinikama svega 7,17% životinja bilo je invadirano. Najmanji broj invadiranih goveda (4,25%) dokazan je u manjim gospodarstvima. U jesenjim mjesecima zabilježena je najveća učestalost u goveda s farmi (26%) i klaonica (14,50%). U goveda s klinika ljeti je dokazana učestalost od 9,75%. Najmanji broj invadiranih goveda dokazan je zimi u malim obiteljskim gospodarstvima (2,5%). Treba naglasiti da je najveća invadiranost zabilježena u goveda mlađih od 2 godine. Mužjaci su bili češće invadirani od ženki. Terenskim istraživanjima na istom području dokazani su posrednici, puževi iz rodova Bulinus, Lymnaea i Planorbis

    Istodobna pojava visceralne lingvatuloze i paratuberkuloze u križane alpske koze (Capra hircus).

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    Concurrent visceral linguatulosis and paratuberculosis was diagnosed in five Alpine Cross goats (Capra hircus). Severe, gross and histopathological changes wereobserved, with the occurrence of multibacillary paratuberculosis and parasite-induced damage. The PCR-based technique was employed, using IS 900, to confirm paratuberculosis, and light, stereo- and scanning electron-microscopy were carried out to study the third-instar larvae of Linguatula serrata, Frohlich, 1789. The morphological changes were mainly in the intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes and paratuberculosis-associated lesions were principally of a diffuse multibacillary type, with a severe granulomatous reaction, consisting of macrophages laden with large numbers of acid-fast bacilli and variously sized cyst-like spaces in the lymph nodes, histologically associated with the moth-eaten appearance of the parenchyma. Severely oedematous and haemorrhagic lymph nodes, having areas of calcification with profuse numbers of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), seemed to be characteristic of the concurrent occurrences of the diseases. The present investigation suggests that the parasite, being lymphovorous, might predispose to the multibacillary form of paratuberculosis.Istovremena pojava visceralne lingvatuloze i paratuberkuloze dijagnosticirana je u pet križanih alpskih koza (Capra hircus). Patomorfološki i patohistološki ustanovljena je multibacilarna paratuberkuloza i promjene uzrokovane parazitima. Paratuberkuloza je dokazana lančanom reakcijom polimerazom upotrebom IS 900. Metode svjetlosne mikroskopije, stereoelektronske mikroskopije i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije rabljene su pri determinaciji ličinki trećeg stupnja petoustaša Linguatula serrata, Frohlich, 1789. Morfološke promjene pretežito su bile dokazane u crijevima i mezenterijskim limfnim čvorovima. Oštećenja uzrokovana paratuberkulozom bila su uglavnom difuznog multibacilarnoga tipa s jakom granulomatoznom reakcijom koja se očitovala pojavom mnoštva makrofaga, velikim brojem acidorezistentnih štapića, promjenama različite veličine sličnima cistama u limfnim čvorovima te nekrotičnim praznim područjima u parenhimu. Izrazito edematozni i hemoragični limfni čvorovi s kalcificiranim područjima i velikim brojem mikroba Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) osnovna su značajka istodobne pojave ovih dviju bolesti. Istraživanje upućuje na zaključak da je limfovorni parazit Linguatula serrata predisponirajući čimbenik za pojavu multibacilarne paratubekuloze

    Distribution of Helminth Parasites in Intestines and Their Seasonal Rate of Infestation in Three Freshwater Fishes of Kashmir

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    The present study was undertaken to determine the incidence of helminth parasites in fishes with special reference to water quality parameters in Dal Lake and River Jhelum and correlate the observations. Water, fish, and parasite samples were collected during different seasons from various sites and processed. Three fish species, namely, Schizothorax niger Heckel 1838, Schizothorax esocinus Heckel 1838, and Schizothorax curvifrons Heckel 1838, were recovered from these water bodies. The physicochemical parameters temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and free carbon dioxide showed variation vis-à-vis the season and location of the stations in water bodies. Acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus kashmirensis Kaw 1941 (27.47%) and two intestinal cestodes Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti 1934 (30.63%) and Adenoscolex oreini Fotedar 1958 (32.43%) were recovered from all the three species of Schizothorax. All the three parasites showed higher prevalence during summer and the least prevalence during winter. Parasitic infections were prevalent more in male fishes compared to females. The presence of the parasites had reduced the condition coefficient of the infected fishes in both water bodies. The study also showed that some of the physicochemical features showed a significant positive correlation with the prevalence

    Institutional credit and agricultural production nexus

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    Credit plays an important role in the development of agriculture sector. It capitalizes farmers to adopt new technologies. It helps smooth consumption by providing Working capital and reduces poverty in the process. Both formal and informal lenders are active in rural credit market of Pakistan. There is a need to highlight the relationship between institutional agricultural credit and agricultural production. Time series data for the period of 1973-2009 was used. The study utilized Johansen and Juselius (JJ) cointegration approach and Granger causality test to explore the long-run equilibrium relationship and the possible direction of causality between availability of institutional agricultural credit, labor force availability, cropping intensity, water availability and agricultural production. Result shows the long run relationship among variables. Granger causality test shows the uni-directional causality among institutional agricultural credit and agricultural production and among water availability and agricultural production. The bi-directional causality was found among availability of labor force & cropping intensity and among water availability & cropping intensity

    Role of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production: A Time Series Analysis of Pakistan

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    In our predominant and cash-strapped agrarian sector, adequate credit provision is a definite buttress to implant technological advancements, achieve technical efficiency and hire efficient inputs to uplift agriculture output/income collectively and eradicate poverty eventually. In the midst of beleaguered informal credit sector and recent spurt in banking services in last decade diverted the attention to envisage the formal sector’s optimum potential. In this backdrop, this study is going to explore the role of institutional credit in agricultural production using the time series data for the period of 1972 to 2008. Cobb-Douglas production function is estimated using OLS and all the variables are transformed to per cultivated hectare. Results show that agricultural credit, availability of water, cropping intensity and agricultural labor force are positively significantly related to agricultural production